
Thomas Cook, videos

Tyler Flynn Dorholt


Tyler Flynn Dorholt's book of prose poems and photographs, American Flowers, was recently published by Dock Street PressHe is the author of five chapbooks, including Modern Camping, which received a fellowship from the Poetry Society of America, and two from Greying Ghost Press, most recently Side Cars and Road Sides. He co-edits and publishes the journal and press Tammy, and lives in Central New York with his wife and son.



Video: That food

Thomas Cook


Thomas Cook lives in Los Angeles and edits Tammy. His writing has appeared in publications such as Chicago Quarterly Review, The Cincinnati Review, The Fernbrook Flyer Picayune, McSweeney's, and Salon among other publications. He is currently making a series of short films to explain the world.

In a miscarriage of justice that substantially illustrates the problems undergirding the democratic process, Cook's most recent video, "MFA School," was not selected as one of the two winner's of Submittable's "What Now?" contest.